Reminder Supplement/Supplant Guidance for Summer Programs

As we approach the end of the school year and begin thinking summer, please be mindful of the following when organizing summer programming utilizing extended learning funds:

  • “Supplement vs Supplant” Guidance – Both the LEAPs and 21st CCLC grants emphasize supplementing, not supplanting, state and local funds. Federal and state funds should only be used to supplement existing funds, not replace them.
  • Hours of Summer Program – The program must adhere to the extended learning weekly hour requirements, with a minimum of 12 hours per week for PreK-5 students and 10 hours for 6-12 grade students.
  • Regular Attendees – New ExL students only attending the summer program would be required to the meet the hour bans according to their grade level (90+ hours for PreK-5 and 45+ for 6-12) to be counted as a regular attendee. Existing ExL students would earn additional program time for summer program.
  • Summer Program Activities – The program should offer a diverse range of activities, including academic, enrichment, and family engagement activities.

For further clarification, reach out to TDOE’s Extended Learning Staff at

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