Family Survey Findings
Each year, extended learning programs funded by 21st CCLC and LEAP grant dollars are required to survey participating families. The survey findings inform statewide Performance Indicators and continuous program improvement.
Performance Indicators Reports
The TDOE sets annual performance goals for extended learning programs funded by 21st CCLC and LEAP grant dollars. The following reports detail statewide progress toward meeting those goals during the 2021-2022 school year.
New User Account Approval & Activation
Recently, there has been some confusion regarding new user accounts. SWORPS and TDOE take data protection seriously. One of the ways we protect ELAP data is through new user account vetting.
Guidance for APR Window 2 Narrative Sections:
The APR Window 2 for Outcomes has a narrative box at the end of each section where you are to explain your “unavailable” data. Please use the following text to explain that the data is not “unavailable” but rather “not applicable.” Please replace the gray highlighted text with the number of students from the identified ELAP report before pasting in the text.
Best Practices for Project Directors
New Project Directors: SWORPS has developed a best practices guide based on input and feedback from seasoned ELAP project directors. Download Best Practices for Project Directors by clicking the link below and make sure your ELAP team is on track!
New Training Request Form
Would you like to request a virtual training session? Use the button below to access the training request form.
APR Window 1 Crosswalk
The crosswalk below outlines which reports you can use in ELAP to complete your APR Window 1 Reports.
Extended learning programs are meeting the goal of serving students in economically distressed counties
As a part of continuing evaluation activities, the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) requested that UT SWORPS conduct an equity evaluation, assessing the degree to which extended learning programs are serving the most at-risk segments of the Tennessee student population.